
That’s some serious chicken noodle soup!

Tigger was the first to join the Gauntt household by showing up in our driveway all scrawny, just skin and bones. We had just moved to this home about two months earlier and weren’t even unpacked yet. He flopped himself down right in front of us, begging for some lovin’. Of course my son and I obliged because he was just too darn cute and really pitiful looking, and boy was he happy; purring louder than a Harley.
Obviously I had no cat food on hand so I grabbed the next best thing: Homemade chicken noodle soup. He was an immediate fan of my culinary skills. This kitten would zig zag through my legs and sashay his way into the house as if he owned the place. He seemed to feel right at home – I bet it was the soup!


Of course the first thing I did was send my wife pictures of our shenanigans. Her words echoed my thoughts “um no!”. Neither of us wanted any pets because we were just way too busy of a household and didn’t think it was fair to any animal. His continous attempts to enter the house were met by me putting him back inside.This happened multiple times and i thought “maybe we can just keep him as an outside cat to keep any rodents out of our shed and house”.

I’m curious!

He is so tiny here!!

After my wife returned from work we sat outside and he just wouldn’t leave (I’m telling you it was the soup!!). I watched him rub his way from her legs to mine and back again as she spoke the words that will forever haunt her : “let him inside, I want to see what he does. I’m curious”. Well, he had no problem at all making his way into our home, because after all, this was now his home! Honestly I don’t think we could have kicked him out if we tried; he was so lovey dovey and appreciative it just broke our hearts. Who could have abandoned this precious little baby?

Fast-forward three years –

“I like lying on your pillow mom”

Tigger is now an overweight cat on a diet and exercise regimen and more clingy than a toddler going through separation anxiety. This is the most co-dependent cat, hell pet, I have ever seen. He does receive dry food portioned out throughout the day but his favorite time of day is 5 p.m. sharp; you hear me? 5 pm S.h.a.r.p!
He usually comes swaying his belly down the hallway about quarter ‘til five, stretching and yawning along the way. As soon as he makes an appearance someone usually states “must be 5 o clock already”. He checks on everyone, making rounds through each room and several circles around the living room. Once he has assessed the current situation he immediately requests dinner – now!

His dinner time meal is consistent of ¼ can of wet food, with some dry kibbles to keep him from inhaling it – which he does anyways. If one does not immediately work on preparing his meal, he will zoom through our legs trying to trip us up. Just thinking about walking anywhere near the kitchen, even if you are just going to the bathroom? Tigger will gladly jump in front of you, meowing loudly guiding you to his bowl. “Dinner human – now!”

Dinner is served – with help of course

Not a bite wasted

Now, I realize everyone’s pet has their own personality and quirks, but lemme tell you how preparing dinner works. I retrieve his portion of wet food from the refrigerator and step towards the kitchen drawer with “his” plastic reusable spoons in it. Opening said drawer I am assisted by my hefty helper as he stretches up to the counter to help me retrieve the items, while mind you, being very vocal.
If he becomes too mouthy I telling him to pipe down usually works. I scoop his wet food into his bowl, mix it with the dry and then we have to lick the spoon; well not me, just Tigger. That boy will clean that spoon better and faster than me eating pudding!  All is well in the belly of Tigrow.

Here, let me help you mom!

Toddler or cat?

I love you mom, let me lay my 17 lbs on your chest

Have you ever had or seen a toddler sleep on their parents? You know, taking up half of the bed, one arm and leg sprawled across your body? Of course you have, well guess what? That is exactly how Tigger sleeps on his momma Cat; that’s when he is not taking my side of the bed literally stretched out like a kid. He does not sleep curled up at the end of the bed, or in a cat bed; oh no – that’s not happening.

Things only get worse if he is in need of extra attention. Literally lie on his momma Cat’s chest, arms wrapped around her neck and legs stretched out down to her legs. We most definitely have a toddler, not a cat.

“Look at all these birds, moooommm”

Tigger absolutely enjoys coming outside and just hanging out on the deck. Watching the birds, squirrels and hummingbirds which have become very entertaining to all of us.
He is not a very active cat, although he likes to pounce little bugs and flies every now and then until he gets bored with them. We have started making him chase the red laser light which is the most activity he usually gets.
Once a day for just a few minutes we make him move as well as cutting his food portions back we hope to get him back down to a healthier, more manageable weight.

T-i-double ge-err-

I almost forgot to mention how we came up with his name! When we were first graced with his presence he had very distinct dark circles around his tail; they are still there, just not as pronounced as when he was younger. Either we named him accordingly or he has lived up to his name because one of his favorite things to do is sit, wiggle his butt and pounce on to our bed. There are still days he startles me when I am not expecting him, although most days I know he is coming when my bedroom door flies open.

Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to slim this chunky monkey down? I would love to hear your input and any advice that has worked for you.

Next we will meet Lizzy Lou
Until then –

Author: Sabrina

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